Friday, September 5, 2014

Nineteen Days!!

My name is Hermana Brogan and I am serving as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for the next 18 months. I love Christ's church and His gospel, and I am excited to go preach of Christ and touch the lives of the people of Peru.

My mom will be running this blog for me while I am in Peru for the next year and a half and will post my weekly letters home. Feel free to write me to ask questions, or tell me about your own adventures. I especially welcome questions about both the culture of Peru (as I start to learn it) or about my beliefs. I am so excited and grateful for this opportunity to serve and to go have my own adventure in a foreign land. I enter the Peru Missionary Training Center (MTC, or CCM in Spanish) on September 23 which is coming up. Finally, I'll jumpstart my blog with my testimony as I don't have any stories yet.

Sé que La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días es cierto. Sé que Jesuristo es mi salvador y redentor. Sé que El Libro de Mormon tiene el evangelio de Jesucristo. Yo sé que hay poder en la oracion y cuando oramos a Díos, Él nos oye. Él nos ama mucho. Sé que somos hijos de nuestro Padre Celestial.

I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true. I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer. I know that the Book of Mormon contains the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that there is power in prayer, and when we pray to God, He hears us. He loves us very much. I know that we are children of our Heavenly Father.

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