Monday, June 8, 2015

New Companion... Still in Jaen

Okay, first off, everyone needs to start emailing me again. I really love hearing from you and dad, but when that's all I get when I open my email, it's kinda a boring hour.

 My new companion is Hermana Waite. She's from Arizona, she's in Hermana Favero's group (in fact she, Hermana Favero, and Hermana Kennedy were a trio in the CCM. I know all the girls in their group except for Hermana Dodson now. Crazy stuff!) Hermana Waite and the rest have 14 months in the mission. So old! (I asked where her companion had served and where she was from) Areas... uh, in Chiclayo. She's been in the same district as the office elders and APs, and says we're stricter in Jaen than they were there with all the rules. It's just because we're far from the mission. Elder Nordhoff is now district leader and his comp is a transfer behind me. Elder Mecham I think? So President apparently told Hermana Waite to learn the area fast, so I think I'm leaving this next transfer. He also told me in my last interview after commenting on how long Hermana Favero and I had been comps that I have a lot of people to get to know still.  I don't think I'll do three transfers again any time soon with one comp. But we never know. All just guessing.

Let's see, the gorgeous sky (especially when I'm up on the roof) and all the greenery everywhere make me grateful for my eyes. :) (Our Sunbeam lesson was on thankful for eyes so I asked her what she sees in Jaen that she is thankful for?)

So we had a lesson with Alexandra and Flor this week, and we taught the restoration. Well, Alexandra used to tell us that she already has her community and wouldn't sit in lessons with us, but after watching the testaments with her, she's super curious. So after the lesson we asked her how she felt. She told us confused. It's a lot of new information she hasn't heard before. So I testified of the restoration and the power of prayer. She agreed to pray, so hopefully she has, and hopefully she's there tonight! I can really see her changing though!

Our menos activa Ester told us yesterday night that in the morning she was planning on going to work in the market, but then saw a painting of Christ and just couldn't do it. She went to church. That makes me so happy! I just want her to be 100% committed though! Her rescue date is this month though, so hopefully we can get her there!

Romans 12:20 made me laugh. A really merciful view of loving your enemy.

That's about all for this week. Also, Jaen is really quiet at midnight. I had to go get my comp from the bus station at midnight! (ward members rocked and drove us all around that evening. They were supposed to get in at around 8, but then got delayed, so we were between my area, the sisters in Miraflores' area, and the terminal and it was just crazy! Fun adventures though. Made me way tired.

Okay, love you all!

Hermana Brogan

sorry it's a short email.

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